10 July 2017

While some enjoy stretching, others feel like it is a drag, but there are some benefits.

When you lift a weight at Bs7 Gym, Bristol, your muscles contract and after the workout the muscles remain contracted for some time.

The following restoration of the muscles’ length is what recovery is. Until the muscle has restored its length, it has not recovered and they are left in a shortened state. Stretching helps to reset your body to a natural position and posture, helps to kick start the recovery process and loosen up joints and muscles.

The most popular form of stretching after a workout is static. This is when a stretch is held for 15-30 seconds before releasing. Static stretching is considered safe and effective post workout.

How you stretch after a workout will be determined on your fitness levels, how hard you worked and your level of flexibility.

When starting to stretch, ease into it at first, don't rush and push yourself to the point of excruciating pain and risk pulling or tearing the muscles. As you become more accustomed to stretching, your pain threshold will improve and you'll be able to hold the stretches longer and deeper.

Below is a beginner’s guide to stretching after a weights session. You only need to stretch the areas you have worked.

This can be done in 5-10minutes after your session. Completing these stretches on a regular basis you will notice a difference in your flexibility, muscle fullness and posture.


Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold your arms out to the side, parallel with the ground and with the palms of your hands facing forward. Stretch the arms back as far as possible; you should feel the stretch across your chest. This also stretches your bicep


Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Interlock your fingers and push your hands as far away from your chest as possible. You should feel the stretch between your shoulder blades.


Extend both arms overhead, then bend one arm down behind your head and grab your elbow with the opposite hand. Pull your elbow until you feel the stretch in your tricep and lat. Swap arms and repeat.


Bend leg up behind, hold onto ankle or foot. Pull heel in towards the glutes. Keep knees inline. You will feel the stretch across the front of your legs. Swap legs and repeat. You may need to hold onto a wall or object for balance.


While lying on the ground, reach behind your thigh and bring your hip to 90 degrees. Try to extend your knee by pointing your toe straight up in the air until a stretch is felt in the back of the leg. Swap legs and repeat


This is pretty straight forward, just bend over with your legs straight and touch your toes. Hold this for 30-60 seconds, take a quick rest and then repeat again.


Bring your left arm across the front of your body at shoulder level. With your right hand, hold your left arm just above the elbow and gently pull across your chest until you feel the stretch across the back of your shoulder and upper arm. Swap arms and repeat.


Drive your hip forward and your knee into the ground. Swap legs and repeat