20 October 2016

1. How did you get into teaching yoga? How many years have you been teaching

Yoga has been part of my life since the very beginning as my mother and my father-in-law are both yoga teachers in Japan. In fact, my mother used to take me to her yoga classes when I was a baby. Having said that, I only seriously started practicing about 14 years ago and I have been teaching in Bristol since 2004.

2. What do you love most about teaching yoga?

It’s great to meet different people and I like teaching at different venues. I’m starting a yoga retreat in Tarifa, Southern Spain from next year and I’m really looking forward to teaching in this new environment. It’s so lovely to see people enjoying and practicing yoga.

3. What do you love most about practicing yoga and yoga itself?

Yoga has a rich and ancient history so you can continue to learn new things all the time. I really love the fact that yoga brings balance mentally and physically and teaches you what is truly important in life.

4. What in your opinion are the greatest health benefits of doing yoga?

The greatest benefits are the mental and physical wellbeing. I’ve noticed that more you practice yoga, happier and more relaxed you become. It can also help people feel less tired which can have a fantastic benefit for their everyday lives.

5. What advice do you have for BS7 Gym members who have never tried yoga?

It can be a bit daunting to begin yoga for the first time but I would reassure students by stating the fact that everyone was once a beginner. It’s best not to worry too much about how well you can do the poses or sequence and focus on staying present with the practice and on your breath. I would advice people to slow down and take time to learn. If you can do this, you will naturally find that you will progress quickly and enjoy doing yoga.

For more information on Yoga instructor Naomi, click here