28 September 2016

Tougher Than Tough:

Starting Tuesday 11th Oct 6pm

BS7 ‘Tougher Than Tough’ is a class designed to push you to your fitness limit and beyond. It is a high-intensity class which will include body weight exercises, weighted exercises and cardio all rolled into a high energy class.

Primal Moves:

Starting Sunday 9th Oct 10am

Based on primal movement patterns you will find everything from squats to crawls.  Using movement based exercise you will improve joint and core strength while developing control and mobility. A class focusing on injury prevention and repair. Using basic primal movement patterns and deep breathing techniques which will strengthen joints, keep you flexible, stable and moving like you've never moved before. A full body workout that will burn calories and get you strong.


Starting Saturday 8th Oct 10.30am

Balancing high intensity bursts of exercise between lower intensity rest period. You will work both the muscular endurance and cardiovascular systems, kick starting your metabolism’s after burners, forcing fat to burn off late into the night.
(H.I.I.T classes also available on Monday’s at 8pm)

To book your place for these new classes, contact our BS7 Gym team on 0117 910 8016 or book online, click here