19 January 2015

It can sometimes be difficult to keep yourself motivated without a plan in the gym or to find the motivation to try something new. This is where we can help!

Gary Cox, BS7 Gym manager has put together an upper body circuit for you to try. "This is a circuit which is easy to understand and remember but will have you working the major muscle groups of your upper body. If you have any questions, just let me or one of my instructors know"

Upper Body Circuit

Begin with a Dynamic warm-up to raise the blood flow, then begin:

Press ups

Barbell shoulder press

Chin ups

Single arm Dumbell chest press

Single arm Dumbell shoulder press

Supine row - Video demonstration of this exercise here

Perform 12-15 reps of each exercise moving from top to bottom, then rest for 1 minute.

Repeat for a total of 4-5 circuits. Cool down and stretch as required.

Best of luck!