20 September 2016

Ollie has taken over two new classes here at BS7 Gym, one being our new class H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) which is an extremely good workout if you are looking for something demanding and physical. To learn more about Ollie's H.I.I.T class, click here. The other class Ollie teaches is 'Stretch' on a Wednesday between 10.15 - 10.45am. For more information on our classes, click here.

"I understand the difficulty of fitting training in around intense work schedules and stressful exams, but also appreciate how exercise can compliment both academic and career commitments, and have accumulated a wealth of life-hacks to help fit fitness into these stressful times.
My training philosophy is simple; no two people have the exact same perfect programme, and even the best programme in the world is useless if it is not compatible with life’s other commitments".

"I avoid generic cookie-cutter programmes like the plague and believe tailored programming and accurate tracking is key, taking all variables into account, cherry picking the most appropriate exercises from a broad range of training styles and moulding programmes to fit around even the most hectic of schedules."

Ollie hopes to get you to your fitness goals and maybe even surpass your expectations while keeping it fun with varied, enjoyable workouts.

If you are new to BS7 Gym or would like advice on training tips, please do not hesitate to approach Ollie or any of our other friendly Gym instructors.