6 March 2018

17TH – 23RD MARCH 2018

Turning 50 this coming June has made me think I should challenge myself physically in 2018. I was already aware of Sport Relief and then, when I saw an advert for this year’s campaign, I thought this is the cause I would give my support to. In turn this would be the motivation for me to achieve my physical challenge.

Rather than tackle this solely on my own I thought why not involve BS7 Gym? Having discussed it with Gary Cox (BS7 Gym trainer), BS7 have agreed to advertise Sport Relief to the wider gym membership and support my fundraising initiative by laying on an additional spin class on Saturday 17th March at 2:30pm, supporting a collective aim of cycling for at least 50 hours over that weekend.

Book through BS7 gym via reception or call on 0117 910 8016.

I really hope that as many members as possible will participate and either raise their own sponsorship for Sport Relief or pledge money to mine.

Anyone that wishes to can sponsor me via:


My personal physical challenge will be to complete 24 hours’ cumulative exercise – walking, cycling, spinning, weights work etc. - over Sport Relief Week.

Sport Relief supports a wide variety of charitable projects both in the UK and overseas. More details can be found at

Many thanks,