5 October 2016

We are delighted to introduce a new class on Sunday mornings called Primal Movement. The 55 minute class will be led by BS7 Gym instructor Satveer. Click here to book

To help gain an understanding of what the class will involve, Satveer has answered a couple of questions:

1. How would you describe Primal Movement?

Primal movements are going back to basis, getting our bodies to move through all ranges of motion using early developmental exercises with strength and control.

2. What are the benefits of Primal Movement?

Focusing on injury prevention and repair. Using basic primal movement patterns and deep breathing techniques which will strengthen joints, keep you flexible, stable and moving like you've never moved before.
A full body workout that will burn calories and get you strong.

3. Who would you recommend the class to?

I would recommend this class to anyone! Weather you want something different to add to your training, if you're an athlete wanting to improve performance or a parent wanting to keep up with the little ones.

To see some of the moves that will take place in the class, Satveer has a demonstration video below:

[video width="640" height="352" mp4="/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Video.mp4"][/video]