26 November 2020

We are delighted to announce that BS7 Gym will be open again on Wednesday 2 December at 7:00am.

We know that this is a tough time for everybody; we also know that our members have been missing the gym and getting as active as possible in these trying circumstances. Our dedicated and enthusiastic staff members are really looking forward to helping you with your fitness needs, and are here to provide you with their expert advice on how to stay fit and healthy over the course of the Winter.

We would like to remind our members that as part of our COVID-19 measures, we have changed the opening hours, which until further notice will be as follows:

7:00am – 9:00pm: Monday to Friday

8:30am – 5:00pm: Saturday & Sunday

We will be reviewing our opening hours regularly following government guidelines.

As notified previously, as you paid your direct debit in November, we will not be taking any payment in December. If you do have any queries on your Membership with us, please get in touch with us on 0117 910 8016 or email gym@bs7gym.co.uk.

As before, you now need to book a gym slot via our website: please click on ‘Members Area’ to get yourself booked in for a slot or click here. You can book your gym slot from Tuesday 1st December. You can use your existing username and password to access the members’ area. If you do not yet have a member account, you can simply set one up in this area of the website. The booking system helps us ensure adequate social distancing, limiting gym usage to 36 people at any one time.

We are committed to keeping the gym as safe and clean as possible during your training experience. We will be cleaning the gym after every hour gym booking slot, with a 15-minute cleaning period between each booking. Before entering the gym, all members will need to have their temperature scanned, a procedure that has been put in place to ensure those of you on site remain safe and well.

If you are not feeling well and you have a slot booked in, please stay home and rest; your safety and wellbeing is our number one priority. Please sanitise your hands upon entering the Club, and kindly ensure proper social distancing following our room capacity signs. We also request that you clean down all equipment before and after using it with the cleaning products provided

If you are driving to the Club, when you arrive at the Ground, you will be clearly directed to a specific parking area.

Until further notice our changing rooms, sauna, lockers, high performance area and squash court are out of action. Members are required to turn up ready to train and follow our one-way system while using the club corridors.

At this current moment in time, we will not be holding any classes. We will of course communicate further when you are able to book classes.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us on 0117 910 8016 or email gym@bs7gym.co.uk.

We cannot wait to welcome you back to BS7 Gym.

Best Wishes,

The BS7 Gym Team