18 January 2017

Seeing as we are now in the middle of January, many of you will be under your new or revised fitness regimes.

There are a variety of diets available to us these days and selecting the right one for you can be challenging. But, let’s assume you’ve done your research and are on your way with your chosen diet. Sometimes we follow our new diets well and prepare great meals, but we have to be prepared to be adaptable and make our approach work in the real world. What if you can’t have your next scheduled meal until late? What if you need boost to get through a demanding day’s work or hard gym session?

Don’t look at snacking as a bad thing, it’s not. It can be a great way to help your body lose weight and feel fantastic as long as we pay close attention to what and how much we eat. With that in mind, here are some ideas for healthy and nutritious snacks:

  1. Cut fresh veggies such as carrots and celery into bite-sized pieces to make them easy to graze, or try a handful of cherry tomatoes or slices of avocado. Why not enjoy your nibbles with a hummus dip for a protein boost that’s rich in iron, vitamin C and fiber.
  2. Try a bowl of natural/Greek yoghurt, make sure that it is full fat, as the fat helps give you the feeling of being full. Dairy products provide calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth, muscle performance (including heartbeat) and to ensure the blood clots normally. It’s also linked to lower blood pressure. Perhaps stir in some granola, nuts or seeds for a little more substance.
  3. Get some nuts. A handful of mixed nuts provide an excellent source of essential fatty acids, protein and fiber, not to mention vitamins and minerals depending on your nut of choice.